Photography 101 Day 8: Warmth & the Quality of Light

Do you like sunrise photos or sunset photos? I just cannot pick one over the other. This sunrise collection is one of my favorites. It satisfies the day’s theme of warmth and it fits the weekly photo challenge from The Daily Post Orange You Glad theme.

The sunrise photos were taken in Corpus Christi, Texas on October 26, 2011. I got up early that morning and drove to my strategic location – then waited. Once the sun peaked above the horizon, I just kept on shooting.

6:44 AM

I like the red-orange reflection on the water.

09b 648

Orange-yellow reflection

Reflection is mostly gone.

6:51 AM

Yellow reflection

6:52 AM

That sun shine just about blows away the clouds in the sky.

I had fun shooting this sunrise and look forward to shooting others.

Thanks for stopping by, y’all come back now.


24 responses to “Photography 101 Day 8: Warmth & the Quality of Light

  1. Sometimes I can’t tell a sunrise pic from a sunset.

  2. that traveling nurse

    these are gorgeous! never get tired of looking at them – sunrise or sunsets!

  3. ‘VERY” nice Jerry – you captured the brief completely 🙂
    One of the beauties of cruising (if the weather cooperates) is seeing the sun without any other obstructions around to mar the picture. Sunsets are what I look for more than sunrises – half the time I’m not awake for them lol

    • Thank you, Cathy. I normally wake up before the sun rises. For these photos, I remember leaving our house in Corpus Christi very early to find my spot on the bay. A sun rise like this last only a few minutes. I am always searching for a new location to capture God’s handy work as He paints the sky in the morning and evening.

  4. beautiful picture.

  5. Wonderful sunrise such vibrant colors

  6. I want to paint these!

  7. Pingback: Berry’s Picks of the Week Photo Edition: Friday the 13th at it’s Best | berryduchess

  8. Pingback: The new orange | Words & Pics

  9. You have captured heaven……. absolutely stunning photography!

  10. Pingback: A Corpus Sunrise  | 1874: First Impressionist Exhibition

  11. Hi Jerry!
    I remember you! You’re Linda’s friend! I am so thrilled to see you at my sight this morning. I never thought I’d see you again which I regretted since you seemed like a nice man. Thank you so much for keeping me in your thoughts since Linda guest blogged for me and checking in with me today. I wanted to come right over and let you know I remembered you.

  12. How did you find me again?

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